The investment strategy is multi-layered top-down approach, involving quantitative, technical and macroeconomic modelling, underlined by Aro’s unique long term strategy.
The focus of the Manager is to mitigate risk while maintaining an above normal return over the long term. The Portfolio will be:
Structured around diversified Australian Shares, Global stocks and, on occasion, selective listed funds.
Primarily invested in listed securities, with platform-based investments if required.
The Manager is comfortable to hold cash or interest-bearing securities for sustained periods, dictated by the LRMS.
Macro Equities Portfolio
The Macro Equities Portfolio is an actively managed portfolio, predominantly invested in Australian equities with emphasis on alpha and risk management.
Aro uses a top-down approach, with a focus on economic cycles and relationships between companies, industries and global markets. The portfolio at times may be invested across both growth and defensive asset classes.
The Macro is designed for investors with a long-term time horizon seeking broad exposure, and looking for performance during all stages of the market cycle.
Risk Profile Portfolios
The Risk Model Portfolios invest in a mix of investments across various asset classes, using a combination of direct and multi-manager investment approaches. The direct equities component is managed using the same strategy as the Aro Macro Australian Equities Model Portfolio.
These Model Portfolios will generally invest in listed securities, managed funds, exchanged traded funds (ETFs) and cash.
Tailored for the Future
These portfolios are designed for investors seeking long term income and capital growth through exposure across a range of asset classes, with some capital stability, using a non-index weighted investment process.
Aro’s objective is to mitigate risk while maintaining an above normal return over the long term, underlined by Aro’s long-term risk management strategy.