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Credence Wealth Management Pty Ltd (trading as Aro Capital) is licensed to give investment advice and deal in securities. This website provides information of a general nature and has not taken into account each person's individual circumstances. We therefore recommend that you obtain specific advice in relation to your circumstances before taking any further action. While all care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, legislation, regulations and economic and market conditions change frequently. No responsibility is accepted for any action or inaction taken on the material contained on this website.

Credence is committed to maintaining our clients' confidentiality. We recommend you do not include private and/or confidential details in email or other forms of non-secure correspondence. We do not collect or use any personal information on visitors to our website through the use of "cookies" or other software or hardware techniques.
Our website may contain links to external websites. Whilst such links are provided for your convenience, you should be aware that the information handling practices of the linked websites might not be the same as ours and do not constitute endorsement of material at those sites or any associated organisation product or service. These external information sources are outside our control. It is the responsibility of users to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of the information at those sites.


By accessing information at or through this site each user waives and releases Credence to the full extent permitted by law from any and all claims relating to the usage of the material made available through the website. In no event shall Credence be liable for any incident or consequential damages resulting from use of the material.


Terms & Conditions


The information in this site has been prepared in accordance with Australian law for the supply of goods and services. This notice and the information in this site and all matters relating to either are governed by and are to be construed according to the laws applicable in the State of Western Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia ("Australian law"). The information may not satisfy the laws of any other country.


It is not directed at people in any other country and should not be relied on by people in any country other than Australia. The information in this site current at the date of publication but may be subject to change.



Level 1 1205 Hay St
West Perth WA 6005, Australia

F (+61) 8 6380 9299


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Credence Wealth Management Pty Ltd (ACN 612501167)  trading as Aro Capital is a Corporate Authorised Representative (1242382) of RM Capital Pty Ltd (AFSL 221938)

Aro Asset Management Pty Ltd (ACN 630 212 592) is a Corporate Authorised  Representative  (1269883) of RM Corporate Finance Pty Ltd   (AFSL 315235)

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